Saturday, March 04, 2006

Heart Relaxation

Here’s a simple exercise. You can practice this during a quiet time, a meditation, while laying in bed before falling asleep, and even throughout your busy day.
The natural tendency in pain or difficulty is for the heart to contract. We can expand this through our awareness and breath.
Take a few deep, gentle breaths, feeling the rise and fall of your lower belly until you feel quiet and still.
Now, bring your attention to your heart – wherever you feel a knot, constriction or contraction, breathe gently into that, feeling the area expand with each breath. Experience the relaxation the expansion brings with each breath.
Allowing peace to fill your heart.
Inhaling peace.
Exhaling loving kindness.
Inhaling, feeling the knots and contractions releasing.
Exhaling, feeling spaciousness in your heart.
Inhaling, giving thanks for the opportunity to grow through the challenges being offered.
Exhaling, allow yourself to become aware of the new opportunities and attitudes that are now open to you through the expansiveness and spaciousness of your being fully in your heart.
Sit quietly for a few moments, simply bringing your loving awareness to your heart with each breath.
Throughout your day, simply check in every now and then, "Where is my heart?" and again bring your loving awareness to your heart.

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